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Sean Sampayan’s 2014 Honda Civic Si


Sean Sampayan  

Crew Name 

NvUS (Inland Empire chapter)

Vehicle Year, Make, Mode

2014 Honda Civic Si coupe 


I was born in Riverside county in 1981. I grew up around muscle cars. I started getting into imports right after High school when I got my first Honda CRX. I love functional builds as well as show/stanced builds. I love taking my cars onto the race track and working on my own cars.

Why did you choose this car? 

I originally wanted a 2013 Civic Si sedan. Until I saw the 2014 coupe front end change with the aggressive design, that’s when I knew I wanted the coupe. It’s a perfect daily car and weekend warrior. 

What makes your build unique?

Mostly I see these newer Honda Civic stanced or bagged whereas I grew up around cars where you build it, use it, rebuild it. I like that my car looks good both at the track and in a car show.

How did you get started in the car scene?

Around high school(1999) I helped my friends work on multiple CRX, del sol and hatchback builds. I knew I had to get one of my own. 

Bio Of Car Crew

NvUS started in a small city of Visalia, CA and has since gone worldwide. It was started with 5 guys back in 2011, and has now grown to over 1000s of members from different countries around the world.

Sponsor / Shout Outs

I want to thank all of our team sponsors as well as my personal ones. Thanks to downstar, klutch, Skunk2,  Buddyclub,  Top1,  HIC, Axion Industries. Also shout out to all my team members, and to my friends, Manny, Eddie, Danny,  Reyes, Renee (RIP) and also my brother Christopher (RIP)